How To StudyHow to Effectively Learn Alias Modelling from this Learning Resource
1) Should ideally have completed some of Alias Onboard tutorials, before commencing the tasks on this site and even after commencing with LearningAlias, it is highly desirable that students continue to do as many tutorials as possible and certainly all the tutorials on the AutodeskAlias website:
2) The first things to study from our site are:
How to set-up the Alias Stage
How to create a professional Mouse Marking Menu
How to set-up Construction Preferences
How to set-up a scale model
How to import and manage Canvas Layers
How to create curves quickly
How to align curves to G3 crvtr. Cont.
How to build quality surface-sets with aligned CV hulls and G2 crvtr. Cont.
Intermediate and Advanced Students
Are recommended to complete one or two of the advanced tutorials on this site (such as the wing mirror) before starting the Audi A5 Generic Model - phase 1
Using the Streamed Videos:
First watch the complete video a few times then once you have set-up your stage, watch the video scene by scene, pausing it until you have completed that part of the instruction and then playing the next scene etc.
Using the Written Illustrated tutorials:
First read the whole tutorial several times, trying to understand exactly how the model is constructed and then of course once you have your stage prepared to start, follow the tutorial page by page.
Alias Onboard Help
You cannot become a professional modeller, without having read and understood all the onboard help documents.
Method of studying Onboard Help
When you are going to bed or just need a break from modelling, study the help pages relevant to the tools you have been using that day. In this manner you will understand the help instructions a lot better, than if you just picked an item to study at random.
Other Related Studies
The guys/gals that really make it in Alias, are those who take a multi-strike approach to learning and rather than studying in a narrow way, look for anything and everything they can find related to learning alias.
Autodesk-Alias Discussion Forum
ALL studentÃs simply must join the Autodesk-Alias Forum and be continually asking questions about how to model. You can attach an img. or a .wire file and there are a lot of very clever people out there who will give you free help to expand your knowledge of Alias Modelling.
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